It is so easy to keep busy doing busy work. We feel there should always be something to do whether it is productive or not. We don’t know how to stop bad business practices and let go of things that don’t work.
We’re writing blogs, updating social media, responding to clients, watching Youtube videos, creating emails, washing the dishes, folding clothes. And on top of all that we take any job or client that walks through the door and doing whatever asinine request they have because we’re trying to make money and “build a business”.
Well STOP it!
Learn to delegate and prioritize.
Not that the above are unimportant, but there is a time, a place and a strategy for everything. As a business owner you have to focus on what’s important and work the heck out of it with an amazing system. Then once you’re done perfecting that, move on to the next essential item on your list and repeat the process.
You don’t have enough time in the day to do all those medial task along with the important ones to successfully get the job done (especially if you have a family).
You’re running a business, and like I said before, “A business without money is just a hobby!”
You are trying to pave your way and become a success in helping people with your services or products that will hopefully leave a legacy one day.
Time is of the essence and it is the one thing you can’t get back.
Sound like I know what I’m talking about? Well I do!
I’ve felt this pain myself for many years with a planner that had a lot of “To Do’s” on it and barely any crossed off items. Everything was coming at me at once and I was focusing on everything at once with no system.
I had to learn to prioritize and focus on one thing at a time. Yes I said it…ONE THING AT A TIME!
It helped me to really give detail to that particular thing and actually finish it.
But to be fruitful I had to stop bad business practices and learn how to let go of things that don’t work.
That meant horrible clients who were a thorn in my side that I undercharged to begin with (another topic for another post, lol).
That meant all house work was put on hold until the evening, putting my most important work in the morning which is my most productive time.
And that meant eliminating not only the bad clients but horrible business practices that don’t help me get clients or increase my bottom line, (ie. updating my website’s beauty factor, changing unnecessary wording, seeing what picture looks better for marketing that’s already beautiful).
I spent astronomical amounts of time on frivolous tasks that took away valuable time that could have been spent on purposeful business growing projects that matter.
Whew that’s a lot right?
I know it is, but here is my advice to you.
Don’t look back! Just drop it and bury it.
Look through your task list and see what is absolutely unnecessary right now that can either wait or be eliminated. Then…get rid of it! If it’s not helping your business it needs to be removed.
Next, stop taking every client that walks through the door.
If you’ve been in business for any amount of time, you know that working with a horrible client is not even worth your time or the money.
So, stop saying yes to them. Let someone else deal with that headache. Work with people that value you (the brand) and what you do (the product or service).
Finally, separate home work from business work.
Just because you work at home doesn’t mean that you should break up your productivity to put a load of clothes in the wash. Finish what you’re doing and the clothes, dishes, and dirty bathrooms will be there when you complete that project. You’ll feel productive and happy for it!
I hope this has helped you. I’ll have more tips for you in the next round. But remember you can’t get time back so use it wisely and be productive and LET GO!
Until next time,
For more inspiration and business marketing and brand tips, check out my other blog posts and follow on Instagram.